There are two AAON ERV units that condition the air in the North Wing. ERV单元在排出的空气中交换能量,并使用干燥剂对进入的外部空气进行预处理. This improves the indoor air quality, and at the same time the equipment capacity can be reduced, which decreases the electrical energy needed to heat and cool the space.
需求控制通风是一种技术,当居住者需要时,允许空间满足学校的新鲜空气需求. 每个小组会议空间都有一个二氧化碳传感器,用于确定通风需求. 随着通风需求的增加,通过风扇的加速来增加外部空气的量. As ventilation need decreases, the amount of outside air is decreased by decreasing the speed of the fan.
增加或减少风扇速度的能力是由于变频驱动. Variable frequency tires (VFDs) can reduce noise, 减少磨损, and reduce electrical charges by only delivering the amount of power necessary. 事实上, all of the pumps, 供应球迷, 排气风扇, 能量回收轮配备变速运行,以最大限度地提高舒适性和效率.